Saturday, September 14, 2019

Who is Derek ?

An excerpt from my book ‘Stumbling Along - Journey with the Master of  Surprises ‘

"Ah, the unique and unpredictable circadian rhythms of the MSer”

MS Fatigue is something I don’t think I’ll ever get a grip on and it seems to get worse as I get older.  You can take your Amantadine, your Modafinil [EDIT: no longer on the prescribing list, I believe ? ] your amphetamine sulphate even, but in my case, these make me twitchy and edgy.

‘Twitchy and edgy’ is what this old dear does very well without the added power of drugs. These days I take power-naps frequently during the day when I’m home. I read something about power-napping in the press recently  and it seems it’s beneficial to many people . 

However, there was a time when our Steff was younger, I used to take myself off to my sanctuary, my haven of peace and tranquillity which is my bedroom in the afternoons in order to gather some strength for the coming evening.

One day, a ten-year-old Steffan came home from school at 3.30pm and I was dead to the world on the bed, not in it.  I have to rely on him for the rest of the story… apparently, he knocked on the bedroom door and walked in (I have no recollection whatsoever of this) and I sat bolt upright and demanded "Where's Derek?”

It seems that I frightened the living daylights out of him because my eyes were on stalks but then I flopped back on the bed and he slunk out quietly and waited until I woke up.

When I eventually came to, he asked me if I had been dreaming.  I really didn’t know because it was such a deep slumber and I have no recollection of this whatsoever.  Oh, for total recall, eh?  He may have been winding me up but the look on his face later told me the reality of the situation.  I can’t begin to perceive how he must have felt to see his mum like that.  It’s something which I can hardly bear think about.

I'm still getting teased about it and we still don't know anyone named Derek.  Thank goodness Huw knows that I don't have the energy or the inclination to fool around; I could have lost myself a good husband there.

I also decided right there and then on that day that going to bed for a few hours was just not on - for me at least as I actually feel worse for it.  Daytime power naps - yes. Taking myself off to bed – no way José!

Eleven years [Edit : 24 years] after the event I still ask myself.....

    “Just WHO is Derek?”

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