Sunday, March 21, 2021

St. Zoom- land


A parody loosely based on  Pam Ayres’ ‘Nowadays we worship at St. Tescos’


Nowadays we worship at St Zoom – land,

At first the members felt quite shocked.

But then St. Zoom’s doors are always open,

Whereas Penuel’s are very sadly locked. 😕


We already know the congregation,

And  the Pastor we feel is very brave.

It hasn’t got a SÊt Fawr nor a pulpit,

But it has got several windows….

AND we can wave …………..!  ðŸ‘‹ðŸ‘‹ðŸ‘‹ðŸ‘‹


I’m so glad to be at St. Zoom – land,

I’m so happy to be sitting in my chair.

Whilst the Pastor was always stood up so straightly,

He now sits upright in his desk chair.


His uniform is far from dreary,

He often sits there in his shorts, ðŸ˜ą ðŸ˜ģ

Harmonious tunes come down through You Tube.

Although the ads can make things  fraught.


I often dream that I’m sat in Penuel,

In that lovely wooden polished pew,

I can still smell the hand sanitiser,

As I’m sure you can …… well  can you ? 🧐


Today, no lights twinkle in Penuel’s window,

Yet business is booming at St. Zoom.

It’s getting such a throng on Sunday mornings

That we wonder if we’ve got enough room.


Yet the day will surely come at Penuel,

If you believe in the Almighty’s plan.

That one day we shall return to Penuel.

For now, it’s Thank God for St. Zoom. Amen 🙏 


“Anyone who thinks sitting in Church can make you a Christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you a car – Garrison Keillor”