Sunday, September 22, 2019


(An adaptation by me of something I once read in an email subscription )

I can't pretend to be too fond of spiders, especially those large ones that creep into our homes at this time of year, especially given that I  inadvertently trod on one in bare feet on my way to bed last night and squished it . Eeeeeew!  🤢 but I do believe in the sanctity of life which posed a bit of a dilemma..... and a matter of double standards being pescatarian with the odd bit of meat thrown in 🤔

I digress.........

When we bought a new car a few summers ago, we found that a tiny spider had made a home somewhere inside the ‘doings’ of the driver’s wing mirror. Each day,Huw would meticulously clean the cobwebs off but the next morning and each morning after that, they would be back there.

That year we toured the winding uppy/ downy lanes of Dorset in the car for a whole week and the spider travelled with us, with Huw having to clean away a newly crafted web each morning. In one way, it was a shame to destroy such a work of art or a work of nature, but it made driving unsafe without the full clarity of the mirror. 

He......assuming the spider was an ‘Arthur’’ not a ‘Martha’ remained inside it. That is, until one very windy day, we were travelling full pelt along the M4 when Huw, noticed the spider being flung off into oblivion - or so it seemed.

We suspected that the wind had taken him. Ah! but not so, for the following day we discovered that he’d managed to hang on by the most delicate of threads, and had created another new silvery web overnight.
With hindsight, I suppose that puff of wind, which had seemingly blown him away, was a trial or challenge for the spider- and yet some kind of unseen windshield, as well as that delicate, almost unseen thread must have protected him.

We all get our emotional storms, winds, trials in our lives but likewise we also have our windshields. That may be our friends and loved ones, but most of all, as long as we wear the cloak or armour of God 

 When we hold on to this thought, we are secure. Should a puff of wind in the form of some kind of crisis come along and catch us unawares, whisking us off course for a while, we could be left floundering in hitherto uncharted waters. Yet if we hold on to, or allow ourselves to be held in the palms of God’s tender hands, we can face any trial hurtling our way no matter how big or small it may be.


*sings, "When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed...".... ac yn y blaen..

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