Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Home Comforts

When you’re practically living out of a suitcase or overnight bag, the simple things such as having your own cuppa sat by your own desk have a certain appeal......

Even better is the joy of sleeping in your own bed but before that, relaxing in it and drifting off listening to Classic FM Radio .

I usually listen to it via my Roberts Radio next to my desk but seen here on a casual table shortly after I opened it – a welcome birthday present from Huw a few years ago. 

However our home has recently been infiltrated by  a virtual Amazonian goddess known as  ALEXA

 ‘It’  ( for  I refuse to sex it being an inanimate  object ) is only as good as your Wi Fi coverage.
So to bed ........and breathe...

accompanied by the soothing sounds of “it” playing Taverner's Lamb..


Come to me, all  you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ...”

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